made to order

ceramic classes teaching hand building

handbuilding class

grey bloops on white

Handmade porcelain lighting and sculpture inspired by nature, crafted with integrity.

Each piece that we make is designed to elevate your interior and your spirit.

Find 'in stock' pieces here!


I create ceramic lighting, dishware, and sculpture, as well as watercolor and pastel one of a kind art.

Everything I make is designed to elevate your spirit by bringing the wonder of nature into your home.

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Crikey, Time Flies

Crikey, Time Flies

Hey, Hi! Its been a while!  I can't believe I haven't written since November. Crikey. I had super high hopes to be in full swing making things by now, but it seems that life had other plans.  Its ok, or so I tell myself, because honestly I don't think I was ready yet. I wanted to be ready, and I said I was ready, but...

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The MESS is the MESSage! And new coaching!

The MESS is the MESSage! And new coaching!

I recently heard the phrase "your mess is your message" and I am wholly embracing that.  I've been trying to be as open about this process as possible and take you with me without sounding insane, as I sometimes feel.  Change can be hard, especially something as life altering as what I've just done.  

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2 Howard St #A1

Burlington, VT 05401

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