notes from the studio

changes in the time of covid

changes in the time of covid

hi all...i hope this finds you doing well, feeling healthy, and staying as sane as possible during this strange time.

like you, i'm sure, i've been cycling through all the moment i find i'm fearful and scared, the next i'm grateful for the silver linings and the time to rest.  i've been finding a lot of solace in nature.  i've been enjoying yoga classes online and setting up a little space for creativity in my home.  today i cleaned out my refrigerator.

i moved the studio on march 25th, the day the governor issued the stay at home order.  i'm sad that i don't get to open my doors would have been happening this week.  i've been struggling to make sense of all the assistance being offered to help me stay afloat during the closures.  i'm grateful for the opportunity to receive the assistance, but muddling through it has been challenging.  luckily there is strength in numbers and together with lots of others we've been figuring it out. 

its been interesting to have to stand up for my business in this way, and to fight for it to stay alive.  its hard for me to ask for what i need, but this is not the time to shy away.  if i get what i requested i'll be ok.  the waiting is hard.

in the meantime, in lieu of a real grand opening, i'll be hosting a virtual grand opening and selling the pieces i already have in stock.  we are unable to unpack and start producing, so this is the best way to let you all in.  instead of having a sale, and discounting the pieces, i'll be asking full price and donating a portion to various organizations that need it right now.  i need to figure out the best way to do this, so stay tuned for updates.  also please follow along on instagram where i'll be posting updates and more musings and offerings. 

thanks as always for being part of my journey, and wishing you all find the happiness and joy where you can.  also, pray for spring...they are forecasting snow today!  xo

Feb 21, 2022

I didn’t know about your new shop but am thrilled for you. When I lived in Stowe, I used to go to the antique shop in that building. Afterward, I would tell Whitney ( Axel’s ) how I hoped it would soon be a special shop filled with wonderful creative pieces of all kinds. My wish came true.

Elaine Hazelett

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