notes from the studio

The MESS is the MESSage! And new coaching!

The MESS is the MESSage! And new coaching!

I recently heard the phrase "your mess is your message" and I am wholly embracing that.  I've been trying to be as open about this process as possible and take you with me without sounding insane, as I sometimes feel.  Change can be hard, especially something as life altering as what I've just done.  

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Excitement Builds!  And lamps get built!

Excitement Builds! And lamps get built!

Above is an image of one of the Starry Sky luminaries (hurricanes) that I wired up and put on a base.  For whatever reason it has taken me this long to get to it, and now that I have I'm really excited about it!  It has a bit of a personality that I wasn't a 60's vibe that I absolutely love, while at the same time it feels very elegant.  It will fit in with pretty much any decor.

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Reality Sets In...

Reality Sets In...

Crikey.  Its December 23rd, well, 24th technically, and there is a big storm raging outside, and its cold.  I am sitting by the fireplace and my sweet Christmas tree that my friend Jamie helped me get.  Its cozy.  

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